How to Declutter Your Home – And Keep It That Way!

Declutter Your Home | Sell Property Fast

With winter weather on its way and a rise in COVID-19 cases, it’s time to spend more time indoors. Staying at home is a great opportunity to work on your space and create a home you really enjoy living in, and one of the biggest challenges in making this happen is getting rid of clutter! Almost every person wants a clutter-free home but struggles to achieve it – but these tips from our team (who can help you sell property fast if you are considering moving house) will help you get there!

Tip #1 – Stop Collecting Clutter

The best way to declutter your home is not to let clutter in in the first place. Admittedly, this is harder to do than it sounds – after all, so many impulse buys, free gifts and deals don’t look like potential clutter when you get them. Here are some good rules to follow when shopping to help prevent an accumulation of clutter (and help you save money too):

  • Say no to free gifts unless it is a product you are already using regularly
  • Shop with a list of necessities in mind and stick to it
  • Don’t take on items from other people because you might need it one day – only take items you have a need for right now
  • Before you buy something, seriously consider if you need it, will use it and have space for it
  • When you no longer have a use for something, sell it, give it away or trash it

Tip #2 – Commit to Regular Donations

Donations are a great way to help other people out and declutter your home at the same time! Try to aim for donations once every 2 months, picking different local charities to support. Put a large cardboard box or some heavy duty trash bags in a designated spot in your home or garage and fill it up through the month with all sorts of items that you no longer have use for, but other people will. Here are some ideas:

  • Old magazines and books – Any magazines over a month old as well as books you’ve read and won’t read again should be donated. They’re great items for senior homes, reading programs and more.
  • Old clothes – Go through your wardrobe on a regular basis and get rid of items that are outdated, don’t fit or you simply don’t wear.
  • Free gifts – If you accepted any free gifts or great bargains and they haven’t been used within the last month or two, it’s time to donate them. This includes anything from sample toiletries to appliances, and charities will be happy to accept it all.

If you are worried that you’ll donate something you’ll actually need in future, extend the time you keep your potential donations to 3-4 months. If you haven’t used them in that period, it’s very unlikely you’ll use them at all.

Tip #3 – Start a One In, One Out Shopping Policy

We live in a consumer culture where we can quickly end up having so much more than we need. Our wardrobes, cupboards, drawers and cabinets are bursting, yet it’s very hard to stop accumulating even more things, which is why it’s so hard to declutter your home and keep it that way.

One way to help balance this is to start a one in, one out policy. This will help keep the number of possessions you have stable over the years, ensuring you have what you need without your home becoming swamped.

Once you declutter your wardrobe, for example, you’ll probably find that you still have plenty of clothing. So, if you want to buy a black t-shirt, you need to remove a black t-shirt from your wardrobe and donate it so that there’s space for it. It’s a great way of really thinking about what we are purchasing and why we are buying it.

Tip #4 – Get the Right Home Organization Products

If you’re like me, those Instagram accounts of beautifully organized homes and cupboards are awe-inspiring stuff that make me want to just rush out and spend, spend, spend on all those containers and shelving units and boxes. Unfortunately, that approach just seems to create more clutter, not less!

If you really want to get that organized, spacious look right, then you need to approach the problem a little differently.

  • First, declutter – Start by evaluating all the items you have and sorting them into piles of what you’ll keep, donate or throw in the trash. You need to be both ruthless and mindful during this process to make sure that what you have left in your house is organized properly.
  • Second, evaluate what you have – You probably have quite a few great organizing products in your home already, so it’s worth it to place these all to one side as you declutter. Glass jars are idea for food storage for pantries, clear boxes are great for seasonal clothing storage and shoes, and suitcases can easily slip under beds for additional practical storage.
  • Third, research – Now that you know what you are keeping, you can research the best products to keep those items organized. This will make sure that you get the right sized items that are practical for you and your home.

Sell Your Home in 24 Hours, Hassle Free – With Cash House Buyers in Fort Worth

Planning on moving house but haven’t sold your current property? If you’re interested in selling your home privately or want to sell your home quickly, our cash for houses Fort Worth team is happy to buy it. Here’s how our process works:

  • You enter your information on our website
  • We’ll contact you directly to discuss an offer for your property (you can also get a free property evaluation from our website)
  • You can accept or reject the offer
  • You can also call us directly on 469-858-0088

You can also download our FREE guide on how to sell property fast.

Our team is compassionate and highly-motivated to offer you the best possible market-related price for your home you want to sell fast because you’re moving house. You also pay zero real estate agent commission.

At Shiny Key Properties, our trained consultants have years of experience in helping homeowners to sell property fast. To find out more about our cash for houses Fort Worth service or to speak to our cash house buyers directly to sell your home privately, please contact us today and speak to one of our friendly team members.

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