How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

New Year's Resolutions | Cash House Buyers Dallas























We love making New Year’s resolutions! After all, what could be more appealing than a fresh start and a journey to a better life? But keeping those New Year’s resolutions is tricky and challenging, and many of us start slipping just two weeks into January. But it doesn’t have to be that way! Here are some tips to help you stick to your resolutions and reach those goals, from our team of cash house buyers in Dallas.

#1 – Be Specific

A lot of the time, our New Year’s resolutions sound great but vague – we want to be fitter, healthier, happier or more successful. What you need is a specific goal that is measurable and helps you achieve that result. For example, if you want to get fitter and balance the couch potato lifestyle that we’ve all been living in the previous year, a good resolution would be to go for a 5km jog or walk 3 times a week. It’s a clear target you can aim for.

#2 – Be Realistic

While big picture, impressive goals are inspiring, it’s easy to hit a small slump that makes them feel completely unobtainable. And that means that as soon as you hit a setback, that New Year’s resolution is gone for good. Instead, aim for something that’s significant but realistic. Instead of saying you are never going to eat sugar ever again, set a goal to follow a good nutrition plan through the week that has a couple of small, sugary treats in it for the weekend. That way, you’re reaching your goal of getting healthier and eating well while still enjoying yourself.

 #3 – Plan, Plan, Plan

As you can see in the previous two examples, reaching your New Year’s resolution means breaking your big goal down into smaller steps and having a strategy in place to help you get there. Your goal is your destination, and your strategy is the route you’ll take to get there. Remember to put in place steps to follow for when things don’t go to plan – after all, life isn’t always simple and straightforward! For example, decide how you will deal with a week of bad weather when you can’t go for your run, a week where your nutrition plan isn’t achievable or when you overindulge, or even if a financial emergency occurs.

These things will happen at some point in the year, and when they do, this plan will help you get back on track rather than making you feel demoralized.

#4 – Track Your Progress

Set up a way to track your progress towards your goal to help keep you motivated through the year. If you are trying to get to a healthier weight, don’t just write down your weight and measurements – write down how you’re feeling, your energy levels and positive thoughts about why you’re on this journey. If you are getting rid of credit card debt, tick off your payments as you go, reminding yourself of why you’re doing this and where you’re going. Look for apps that cheer you on and give you tips, get professionals to support you, and chat about your progress to your friends and loved ones to keep you motivated and celebrating as you reach each step in your plan.

#5 – Aim for Progress, Not Perfection

Too often we tell ourselves that if we’re not doing something perfectly, we’re failing – and it’s just not true! Self-improvement is a journey, and it’s all about little steps where we do things just a bit better than before. No one is perfect, and aiming for perfection is setting yourself up for failure. Celebrate your successes, keep learning and trying, and don’t let your missteps throw you off track.

Want to Move in 2021? Sell Your Home Fast with Cash House Buyers in Dallas

The New Year is a great time for making important changes in your life, whether you are eating healthier, aiming higher in your career or moving to a new home. If you are looking to sell your house, our cash house buyers in Dallas can help you out – putting more money in your pocket, and allowing you to start living your dream.

If you want to want to sell your house quickly, our cash for houses Dallas team is happy to buy it for a market-related price – sight unseen and no upgrades needed. It’s completely COVID-safe because we don’t need to visit your house for viewings, and you can sell your house in 24 hours. Here’s how our process works:

You can also download our FREE eBook for more information on how to sell your house in 24 hours.

Our team is compassionate and highly-motivated to offer you the best possible market-related price for your house, so you can sell your house in 24 hours. Not only does this cash go straight into your bank account as soon as the sale goes through, you also pay zero real estate agent commission. It’s all about making selling your house as fast and as rewarding as possible!

At Shiny Key Properties, our trained consultants have years of experience in helping houseowners to sell quickly. To find out more about our cash for houses Dallas service or to speak to our cash house buyers directly, please contact us today and speak to one of our friendly team members.

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