Moving to a New Home? Here’s How to Be Everyone’s Favorite New Neighbor!















Moving to a new home is about more than just a house – it’s about becoming a part of the neighborhood! Being a great neighbor is the perfect start to new friendships and getting to know what your local community is all about. Here are some tips from our team on how to make the right first impression and build a rewarding relationship.

Make the First Move

Bringing over freshly baked cookies, a bunch of flowers or a few pastries from your new favorite coffee shop as soon as you move in is the perfect way to break the ice. Everyone know you’ve just moved in and they’re going to be curious as to who you are – making the first move and taking a little gift over will give you a chance to get to know each other and makes a great first impression!

Pick a time when your neighbors are home but not too busy and go in the day time rather than late at night or when they’re likely busy with dinner. It doesn’t have to be a lengthy visit, you’re just popping in to say hi, drop of some treats and introduce yourself.

Lend a Hand

As you get to know your neighbors, you’ll find plenty of opportunities to volunteer a helping hand. If they have kids, you could offer to babysit so that they can enjoy a date night. If they’re having a garage sale, offer to help them organize and run it. If they work in the same area as you, offer to carpool. There are so many opportunities to help out, so be sure to pick something that you’re comfortable with – it will be invaluable when you need a helping hand yourself!

Maintain and Clean Your Property

A messy, poorly maintained property will stick out in the neighborhood like a sore thumb and these issues are consistently at the root of serious animosity between neighbors, even leading to litigation in some cases! Stick to the rules of neighborly etiquette by keeping trash receptacles hidden, keeping your front and back yard maintained and your lawn mowed, not letting your plants encroach on your neighbor, and not letting your home or yard fall into disrepair. Curb appeal is important, not just to the attractiveness of the neighborhood but the value of your home and those around you, so putting in a little effort is always going to be appreciated. If you’re having a big project done, like building a pool, taking out a tree or remodeling, put a note in your neighbor’s letter box a day or two before you’re due to start to inform them of the project, how long it will take and apologizing for any noise.

Don’t Gossip

Good neighbors never gossip and the last thing you want is for gossip to come back to bite you. Gossiping isn’t something you want to be known for and avoiding it is important to preserving good relations with your neighbors. No one is perfect, after all, and the last thing we want is our own personal lives being shared with our community.

Be Social

No one expects their neighbors to be quiet all the time, but it’s important not to intrude too much on others. In addition to letting it slide when they have an occasional noisy day, it’s important to ensure that you respect them when you are planning a social event. Always ensure that your guests park in your driveway or in front of your house and don’t take up space belonging to your neighbors, be sure to obey your local noise ordinance laws, and let your neighbors know in advance if you are throwing a party. If you get on well, throw in an invitation for them to join in!

Be a Responsible Pet Owner

For many people, pets are one of the greatest joys in life, but they do come with certain responsibilities. When it comes to being a good neighbor, it’s important to clean up after your pet, follow local laws and keep them out of your neighbor’s property. Take the time to also train and exercise your dog so that noise or separation anxiety is kept to a minimum. If your dog is well-socialized, he can be a great way of getting to know your neighbors – from joining others for dog walks around your area to helping kids earn extra money by pet-sitting while you’re on vacation.

Communicate with Your Neighbors

Clear, open communication is key to any good relationship, whether in the workplace, as a couple or between neighbors. From addressing shared interests like backyard fences and bordering trees to exchanging numbers so they can keep an eye out on your home while you’re away, good communication is essential to helping each other out and avoiding conflict! If your neighbor does you a favor, like phoning you to tell you that your dog’s gotten out or that there’s a water leak on your property, showing a little appreciation goes a long way – and is absolutely worth it.

So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to start baking cookies!

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