Cozy up at Home this Valentine’s Day with these Simple Ideas

Valentines at home

It’s here people. The calendar’s most romantic day of the year.

You either hate it or love it, but whichever side of the divide you lie, we believe Valentine’s Day is a perfect time to hit pause momentarily after what has been a crazy sprint out of the gates following a hectic start to the new year. And what better way to do that than pampering your plus one and expressing your love for each other, right?

We get it, Valentines can bring a lot of pressure to couples as you wonder how best to mark the occasion since you’ve been through the usual drill a gazillion times. You have done the classic table-for-two dinner and a movie, dined at a romantic Italian restaurant a couple of times, and probably escaped to a tropic island for a change.

And it’s all starting to feel a bit old. And obligatory. And the abhorrence starts to creep in.

‘Dave, I saw this sweet little Valentines offer from…’

Before she can even finish…

Honey, do we have to do that Valentines thing all over again? We’ve been through it 18 times already!

What do you mean 18 times? We’ve only been together for four years – five this June when our anniversary coincides with Aunt Muriel’s birthday, remember?

Dave, muttering to himself: Christ, this day is really starting to get on my nerves!

Or so the conversation starts to go a few years in…

And don’t you think it’s corny how everything about Valentines is “sweet” and “little”?

Anyways, Dave could have a point. Going out religiously every Valentines is bound to get old. Quickly. Besides, the prix-fixe menus are nothing short of extortion, not to mention the sight of hordes of couples sharing molten chocolate cakes can feel quite…choreographed.

But it doesn’t have to be.

If you are at a point when the red helium balloons, tacky pink cards and chocolate hearts are beginning to take their toll, it’s time to shake things up a bit. After all, the beauty of Valentines is to revel in the magic of the moment with your significant other.

And it doesn’t have to be traffic-stopping.

An evening in for two on the big night can be much more romantic than going out – all it requires is a little bit of creativity on your part to create some ambience. And it comes with the added bonus of not having to splurge at overpriced restaurants or jostling with the romance crowd.



Whip up a Memorable Meal

If either of you is ready to grasp the nettle and whip up a chef-inspired meal fresh off the pages of Taste of Home, a nice homemade meal can be the centerpiece of your romantic evening. The notion that your partner went out of their way to prepare it for you two is a wonderful feeling.

Better yet, why not tag-team on this one?

The choice of your meal will also have a say on the type of wine, so keep the drink in mind when running your course ideas.

If the meal happens to be too much hassle, consider ordering from a bougie restaurant. It doesn’t have to be Chinese. Or Italian. You can order from a fancy spot you have both been eyeing and treat yourself. It is a special night for you two, so why not.

Whichever the case, the dinnerware should match the magnitude of the occasion. This is where your best plates, elegant glasses and cloth napkins come in.

Cap it off with a scrumptious dessert.

Set the Scene

The ability to create a romantic evening has a lot to do with how you set up the place.

One of the first things you need to do is make sure the air is fresh and comfortable. As the groundhog just delivered cold news this season, consider turning on your humidifier for the evening so as to ease the burden of dry winter air.

Consider also turning on the purifier to rid your home of the smell of the dinner you just prepared. Smell is integral to conjuring romantic vibes. For this reason, you might also want to add a romantic whiff to the whole thing, and what better way to do it on Valentine’s Day than using a bouquet of fresh flowers?

Red roses have been a Valentine staple for eons so they should work just fine. Alternatives to roses include red tulips or pink orchids. These are sure to totally throw off your partner who won’t be expecting it. A little spontaneity never hurt on Valentines!

Plus, fresh flowers are double kill for the date – they serve as a lovely display for the night while giving off a romantic aroma at the same time.

You can accentuate the scene by introducing scented candles – vanilla, lavender, amber or any other scent that does it for you and your partner.

Lastly, make sure the temperature is just right – it should be neither too cold, nor too hot.

Create the Mood

Now that the scene is set, next up is to create the ambience for your at-home Valentines date. Natural light, flames from the fireplace, and candle light are much more effective at creating a romantic atmosphere than the glare of the fluorescent, so go ahead and dim the lights.

The fireplace is especially magical as it heightens the snug and chilled-out theme of the evening. Cuddle on the love seat by the fire with your loved one as you reach out to the box of chocolates (or dipped strawberries!) which should be within arm’s length – as should the Merlot or Cabernet.

Don’t forget the throw.

Last Word

Turn off the TV and tuck away the phones for the night. Some romantic background music will work better instead.

A Valentine’s Day at home is all about reconnecting and enjoying some quality time together, so forget the technology for now.

And just like that, there is no reason why you shouldn’t make a memorable, romantic day out of February 14th.

Nothing out of the ordinary, see?


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